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Exciting news and new features!

Posted By on December 15, 2011

There are a bunch of brand new features on the site, so if you haven’t been on the UOH site for a while its worth a look!

New Group/site chat, Google Calendar Sharing feature, Updated group features including group email, document sharing, group calendar. Also, now you have the ability to sync your UOH activity across major social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter.

Also, I have bumped everyone up to premium members, allowing everyone the ability to access all the features of the site for free. And all new members when they register receive the same benefits automatically. The goal is to do away with paid membership all together. The only thing I ask is for you to use all the features, connect with each other and tell a friend, or two, or three….lets turn this site into something AMAZING for spiritual growth and renewal. I am dedicated to seeing this site succeed so I’ll keep at it, but I am asking in love that we do it together. Because I believe together, great things happen!

A link to the resource guide with all the features and how to use them!

Much love and many blessings to you all!

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