TheUniversalOne | April 22, 2011
“This Easter celebrate the victory of love over judgment!” Christ as the savior is the Easter message, but what if Christ were to walk into your church and preach? What would the message be? Christ is the savior of love. His message is one in which all people rise in the glory of God, but [...]
TheUniversalOne | April 13, 2011
by Christa Lamb I’ve learned from my experiences in life that it doesn’t matter what happens to me or what someone does to me. The collective of all my experiences is growth. My deliberate actions toward goodness are not to prove to the world I am a better person than what it can throw at [...]
TheUniversalOne | April 7, 2011
We’re currently adding the NEW social networking features to the site. Please pardon the appearance of the site while we go through this transition. We’re hoping to have the site running perfectly very soon! Thank you for your patience.
TheUniversalOne | April 6, 2011
The Universal One Healing has evolved into what it is today after many years of heart-felt soul-searching. The idea came to me about five years ago after embarking on the journey of writing my first book. The name Universal One was formed out of the belief that we are all meant to evolve spiritually with [...]