Membership Signup
WHY BECOME A MEMBER? The Universal One is dedicated to promoting and encouraging unified spiritual healing. We are the Universal One and together we make the difference. When you become a member you contribute to our collective success in growing the awareness of unified spiritual healing and help us to continue improving the site. We want you involved in cultivating this spiritual, social, and environmental change. Without your involvement and support the Universal One cannot exist and to this extent any contributions–large or small–make a difference in restoring and rejuvenating the natural and spiritual balance of wholeness and healing in divine love and light. Together, we are making a positive change and it is your generosity and involvement that will determine how we grow this site.
The Universal One is funded by our collective desire to see it grow into something great. I am committed to honoring the process of unified spiritual healing. I am committed to hearing your thoughts, concerns, and inspiration in order to transform this site into what it was always meant to be.
The Universal One healing was officially launched in August 2011 so it’s very much a site in the infancy of its creation and your involvement as founding members can transform the Universal One Healing into something we couldn’t even imagine. This is what co-creating is all about. Let’s create the Universal One together. I founded it, but it’s the desire of the universe to have me let go in order to have us mold it into a site of wondrous unified healing.
Thank you for making this site possible.
Many Blessings of light & love,
Christa A. Lamb
Support Universal One Healing
We believe “giving is receiving” and when you contribute to our site, we want to give back to you for your generosity. We would like to provide you with a Sponsor Profile. The choice is yours! It’s our way of saying we sincerely thank you for your sponsorship. Without your giving heart we are unable to keep this site going. We are committed to the three goals that define The Universal One: help people on their spiritual path, get people connected under the Spirit of Truth, and guide people toward healing our collective wounds. When you sponsor the Universal One Healing site, your monies go to achieving our goals by providing the resources to educate, inspire, and seek.
- unfortunately your contributions are not tax deductible but still go to a good cause.