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The origins of yoga originate in the Far East. Evidence of yoga is found in the Hindu sacred text called the Rig-Veda and is found on ancient artifacts dating back to 3000 BCE. Yoga is threefold practice of physical, mental, spiritual discipline. A person who adopts the ancient yoga practice with full commitment is called a yogi. The ultimate goal of a yogi is to attain complete spiritual insight and peace.

The word yoga is derived from Sanskrit. It translates to “to control,” “to yoke” or “to unite” This union can be visualizing as a union of the mind, body, and soul.

In modern day America, there are about 11-15 million Americans practicing yoga and the number is growing. The aspect of yoga most Americans practice is asana yoga, which refers to the practice of the physical poses and postures.

Asana is another Sanskrit word and it is one of 8 limbs of yoga. The other limbs focus more on the mental and spiritual well-being of the practitioner.

The eight limbs of yoga:

  • Yama : Universal morality
  • Niyama : Personal observances
  • Asanas : Body postures
  • Pranayama : Breathing exercises, and control of prana
  • Pratyahara : Control of the senses
  • Dharana : Concentration and cultivating inner perceptual awareness
  • Dhyana : Devotion, Meditation on the Divine
  • Samadhi : Union with the Divine

Whatever type of yoga you practice or what aspects of yoga you focus on the benefits of yoga cannot be ignored! Medical doctors have shown again and again that yoga is good for your mental, physical, and emotional well-being. Also, a bonus of yoga is that anyone can do it! Young and old alike can practice yoga since there are many forms and level of yoga.

Some of the physical, mental and spiritual benefits of yoga are:

  • The physical benefits: Creates a toned, flexible, and strong body. Improves respiration, energy, and vitality. Helps to maintain a balanced metabolism. Promotes cardio and circulatory health. Relieves pain. Helps you look and feel younger than your age. Improves your athletic performance.
  • The mental benefits: Helps you relax and handle stressful situations more easily. Teaches you how to quiet the mind so you can focus your energy where you want it to go – into a difficult yoga pose, on the tennis court or golf course, or in the office. Encourages positive thoughts and self-acceptance.
  • The spiritual benefits: Builds awareness of your body, your feelings, the world around you, the needs of others. Promotes an interdependence between mind, body, and spirit. Helps you live the concept of “oneness.”

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