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Feng shui

Feng Shui (pronounced fung schway) means wind (feng) and water (shui). It is an ancient Chinese art developed over 3,000 years ago used to promote health, happiness, and prosperity. In Asian culture wind and water are associated with good health, so good feng shui equals good health. They relate to the natural elements of wood, earth, fire, metal, water in the balance of yin-yang. Wind being the breath of the earth and water is the lifeblood. Wind and water have tremendous energy that drives Feng Shui’s practices and techniques to fill your life with positive energy.

Feng Shui is more accurately known as the Chinese Art of Placement. At its core, it is a way to arrange the elements of your life. It seeks to create harmony and balance between the areas we live and work with the natural world surrounding us all. When good feng shui is present it vitalizes our lives and aligns our energy with the natural world’s energy.

The basis of fung shui is to promote good chi energy. When the chi energies are balanced with its surrounding this promotes good fenq shui. In creating this harmonious environment, it looks at many areas of a person’s life such as health, wealth, relationships, creativity, fame, marriage, and travel…etc to determine blockages in the energy.

The practical application of feng shui is based on the Taoist understanding of nature. They believe the land is alive and filled with chi energy. The ancient Chinese believed this energy could bring prosperity to the kingdom if they lived in harmony with it.

Feng shui can be as easy as changing the placement of furniture in your home, changing color schemes, adding light, or adding live plants and bringing more of the natural world into your home.

However, to really embrace the art of feng shui, we must look at all aspects of our lives including family, our dreams, and our entire self in order to bring positive energy into our living space. When this occurs it releases any negative energy that may have been present. The goal of feng shui is to be in harmony with the whole of life. From the inside out, we should be living our lives generating positive energy.

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