Angel Hierarchy

Angel hierarchy according to the Celestial Hierarchy of Dionysis Summa Theologica by Thomas Aquinas.
First Triad
The First Sphere are angels who serve as heavenly counselors.
They are the closest to the Divine throne.
The highest order of the highest hierarchy are the seraphim, the celestial beings said to surround the throne of God, singing the music of the spheres, and regulating the movement of the heavens as it emanates from God.They follow the will of God.The Leaders from behind.
They are said to be the highest order of God’s Angelic Servants, beings of pure light, angels of love, gaurdians to keep negative energy from getting through to divinity, shine so brilliantly with cosmic light that humans cannot see them. If they appear they show themselves with six wings, with light and fire.They chant the Trisagion, of the Divine Radiance and of Divinity. They are guidance for humanitarian and planetary causes. Some of the angels said to reside in this sphere are Michael, Kemeul, Jehoel, Seraphiel, Metatron, Uriel and Nathanael
Beyond the Divine throne are the cherubim. They are the guardians of light, and of the stars. Remote from our plane of reality and dimension, their light touches our lives, the divine light that they filter down from Heaven. Lucifer the fallen angel is known as the ‘angel of light, whom God’s light illuminated through. Myth says before his ‘sin against God, but, it may have been the “Divine plan” to have a fallen angel to show humanity the path.
They are said to be angels of Harmony & Wisdom, of boundless love,knowledge. From their subtle emanations of love and wisdom they are the great teachersof knowledge. Guardians of the light and the stars, channellers of positive energy from the Divine.They function as personal guardians, guarding religious temples and keeping the sanctuary purified. They are guidance for divine protection, knowledge and wisdom. The angels are Gabriel, Raphael, Jophiel and Ophaniel.
The first order in the third sphere is the thrones. They are the companion angels of the planets.
Angels of justice and will, of active intelligance. Known as the “many-eyed ones, they create help in
manifestation, send and collect positive energy assist in the power to evovle. They are guidance
for relationships and planetary issues. The angels are : Orifiel, Raziel and Baradiel .
Second Triad
The dominions are the heavenly beings who govern the activities of all the angelic groups lower than they are. Divine bureaucrats. In our third dimension reality these angels are connected to our reality. They are the one who guide you through the conflicts to harmony. They serve to integrate the spirit and the matter. They take their orders from the Divine will, their work is connected to our reality.
They said to be Angels of intuition and wisdom, divine leaders, combining spirit and matter. The angels of karma, the order of the law of cause and effect. When highest human interests are not followed by churches, politicians, leaders theysubtely lead the conlict to harmony. They are guidance for mediating arbitrating, divine wisdom Angels: Zadkiel, Hasamael, Muriel and Zacharel.
Beyond the powers are another group of beings, the great healers known as the virtues.
They are able to beam out massive levels of divine energy, thereby assisting at
this crucial time of dimension activation.
When choice is sometimes difficult, these angels assist in the movement and choice, sending spiritual energy to the collective human consciousness. “The Miracle Angels, helping those that strive to go beyond their dimension reality and helping accomplish what others call impossible. Loving positive people who try to helping in bringing harmony and stability on the plane.They enlighten and leading others towards harmony. They are guidance for healing through elemental energies, Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Spirit.The angels are Uzziel , Haniel , Michael, Babiel, Peuel, and Gabriel.
The first order of the second sphere are those beings who have been known as powers. They are the bearers of the conscience of all of humanity, the keepers of our collective history. The angels of birth and death are in this category. They are able to draw down and hold the energy of the divine plan the same way trees draw down the energy of the Sun. In this way, the powers can send all of us a vision of a world spiritual network.
They are said to be angels of time and personality. In our reality of time and space they bring the perspective to our daily actions, guiding us to right action. They are the ones to guard continents, countries, cities, large groups, working toward global reform. Protectors of politics and religion,and those working with positive energies. They are guidance for extinction of animals, leadership problems, human rights, discremination. The angels are Uriel, Anael, Michael, Raguel, Raphael, Gabriel and Remiel.
Third Triad
These angels are the integrating angels. Beyond the group of archangels are the principalities. They are the guardian angels of all large groups, from cities and nations to recent human creations.
Angels of space and form, they keep track of human history. Organizers for world religions, dispensing justice and chaos, sending messages if someone is out to harm you, defending your home, family and friends. They are guidance for protection aand defense. The angels are Raphael, Camael and Verchiel.
Beyond the angels are the beings we are used to calling the Archangels, they tend the larger arenas of human endeavor and behavior. These beings are from a different family from the angels. Guiding humanity in the ascension process. Assisting the Hierarchy of Ascended Masters in teaching humanity the Divine will and love wisdom.
They are said to be angels of fire, ruling angels. They belong to several levels in the hierarchy of angels enjoying human contact. They are guidance for different attributes and rays per archangel. The Archangels are Michael, Jopheil, Raphael, Uriel, Gabriel, Zadkiel, Raguel and Sariel .
These angels that we are most familiar with are those in the last order. They are the ones who are closest to humanity, the most concerned with human affairs. Within the category of angels, there are many different kinds, with different functions. We know them best as guardian angels.
Because of shifts in their functions and our consciousness, these celestial beings are companion angels. As we enter a time of increased light and love on the planet, they will be our guides to greater and greater consciousness.
They are said to be messenger angels, nature angels. Assigned to each and every human as guardian angels. They are involved in human and physical manifestation. How else would we hear Divinity without the channel of these angels from divinity to human. Humanity with their free will choice, these wonderful beings needing to be asked for assistance, they will not interfere. These guardian angels can come from any level, communicating with all other angels.
They are guidance for transformation, change death and birth. They defend you against all evil and protect you from harm. The angels names are varied and many. They are the intermediaries who communicate between the Divine and Humans.