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Tribute to Mahatma Gandhi on his Birthday.

| October 2, 2011

You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty. -Mahatma Gandhi In tribute of his Birthday, we’ve put together a list of some of Mahatma Gandhi’s best quotes! A man is but the product of his thoughts what [...]


| May 4, 2011

We have hired a wonderful new development company to bring our vision to life and we’re excited to see the outcome! Very soon the Universal One will be up and running! Learn, discover, search and share this is what spiritual healing is all about!


| April 7, 2011

We’re currently adding the NEW social networking features to the site. Please pardon the appearance of the site while we go through this transition. We’re hoping to have the site running perfectly very soon! Thank you for your patience.

A Letter from our Founder

| April 6, 2011

The Universal One Healing has evolved into what it is today after many years of heart-felt soul-searching. The idea came to me about five years ago after embarking on the journey of writing my first book. The name Universal One was formed out of the belief that we are all meant to evolve spiritually with [...]

Our Mission

| March 17, 2011

We believe truth and love are of one heart. The heart of love is the wisdom of truth. Our mission is to provide you a path toward personal spiritual enlightenment. We believe the path should start of wide; after all, there is a world of knowledge waiting to be shared here at the Universal One [...]